What is Charts?

Charts is one of the most useful features in Excel. Charts allow you to illustrate your workbook data graphically, which makes it easy to visualize comparisons, trends etc. This feature is widely used for data representation.

How to prepare Charts?

This following steps required for creating chart.

1. Select the data range.

2. Go to Insert tab and select a type of Chart.


3. Insert any type of Chart by clicking on it.

4. Right click on chart and click on select data to change data of chart.

What are the types of Charts?

Chart Types:
Basic chart types which are available in all version of Excel are

A. Column Chart


B. Line Chart

C. Pie Chart

D. Bar Chart

E. Area Chart

F. Surface Chart

Some important lessons about Charts

Lesson#54: Charting practice with stock data

Lesson#55: Some examples where Pie Chart can be used

Lesson#58: How to analyse data with Pivottable

Lesson#89: Example of bar chart with life expectancy data

Lesson#94: You can add many chart data in same area

Lesson#95: How to VLOOKUP chart from a drop down menu in Excel

Lesson#96: How to HLOOKUP chart from a drop down menu in Excel

Lesson#97: Examples for column and bar chart

Lesson#98: How to customize axis of chart
