
Hi! I hope you are liking my blog, Excelabcd. This is a blog to share knowledge, tips, and tricks about Microsoft Excel. Excel is a very useful and powerful software nowadays and obviously the best spreadsheet software. This software has so many functions and formulas that are not always possible to remember for somebody. I created this blog to archive the knowledge which I learned. I hope this blog will provide many solutions for Excel users.

Here you can get:

  1. Functions of Microsoft Excel.
  2. Discussion about functions and problems examples.
  3. Lessons of many tricks and tips regarding Microsoft Excel will make your work easier.
  4. Some useful excel templates.
  5. Lessons about different useful features.
  6. Excel VBA lessons.
  7. Short tips about Excel.
  8. 100+ formula examples.
  9. Shortcut keys of Microsoft Excel.
  10. Dashboard and chart examples (Upcoming)
  11. Free basic Excel course (Upcoming)
  12. Free advanced Excel course (Upcoming)

This blog is completely dedicated to providing you with enough knowledge of Microsoft Excel that can help you to become the smartest in the office/college/school.

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About Author:

Hello! I am Puspendu and welcome to my blog Excelabcd. I am a civil engineer by profession. Microsoft Excel is a daily need for my office work. In 2017, when I got some complicated problems with office work that would normally take a lot of time to do. So I started to think about how to make formulas more efficiently in Excel and get things done in less time and easily. Then I learned some new functions from other blogs on the internet and created formulas. In this way, we solved office tasks easily. After that, I solved various Microsoft Excel problems for my office colleagues and continued to solve their problems as well. Since blogging was my favorite and I loved writing blogs, I created a blog on this topic and thus the journey of Excelabcd began.

Now, in these few years of experience, I have acquired some skills in Excel. But to be honest, maybe I could not master 1% of Microsoft Excel. I don’t call myself an expert because an expert supposes to know almost a lot about the subject of his/ her expertise, I am an advanced learner of Microsoft Excel. I believe in learning and learning continuously because one of the greatest men once said,

 “Learning gives creativity. Creativity leads to thinking. Thinking provides knowledge. Knowledge makes you great.”

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam