What is Filter?
Filter is used to analyze data by sorting, arranging in ascending or descending order.
Filtering Numbers
Filter numbers allows us to sort the column data smallest to largest or largest to smallest.

Number filters option allows to sort data with much more criteria also.
Does Not Equal
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equal To
Less Than
Less Than Or Equal To
Top 10
Above Average
Below Average
Custom Filter
Filtering Texts

When we are having text values in column it allows us to sort data in A to Z or Z to A order.

Text Filter allows to sort data with many criteria.
Does Not Equal
Begins With
Ends With
Does Not Contain
Custom Filter
Filtering Dates
In case of date values it allows us to sort data in Oldest to Newest or Newest to Oldest order.

Date Filter allows to sort data with many criteria.
Next Week
This Week
Last Week
Next Month
This Month
Last Month
Next Quarter
Last Quarter
Next Year
This Year
Last Year
Year to Date
All dates in the Period option allows to sort data which are within any of the months in year or any of the quarters of the year.
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