Lesson#154: How to make Alphabet numbering formula in Excel

Lesson#154: How to make Alphabet numbering formula in Excel

Here I shall show you to make alphabet numbering formula. Like A, B, C, D…. or a, b, c, d….

Before starting that I want you to memorise that in ASCII code A starts from 65 and a starts from 97.

Here I shall use a simple formula to start numbering from A.


Alphabet numbering formula

You may ask why ROW()-2 ?

Because in 2nd row of spreadsheet =ROW()-2 = 0

I have used it to automate the formula when we drag down it.

Similarly I shall use this formula to start numbering with a.


Alphabet numbering formula

Now your alphabet numbering formula is ready.

See also  Lesson#53: Simple trick to color all the Sundays in the list of dates at once

Hi! I am Puspendu. I am the founder and author of Excelabcd. I am little creative person, blogger and Excel-maniac guy. I hope you enjoy my blog.

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