Lesson#35: Decimal to Octal by DEC2OCT function

Lesson#35: Decimal to Octal by DEC2OCT function

DEC2OCT converts the Decimal number system to the Octal number system.

Syntax of this function is DEC2OCT( number, [places] ) where number is the number in decimal format. [places] is optional, which specifies the number of characters that you want the returned octal number to have. If omitted returns the least number of characters required to represent the number.


  1. If Number is less than -536,870,912 (-2^29) or greater than 536,870,911 (2^29-1), DEC2OCT returns the #NUM! error value.
  2. If the Number is non-numeric, DEC2OCT returns the #VALUE! error value.
  3. If the result of DEC2OCT requires more than the number of specified Places characters, it returns the #NUM! error value.
  4. If places is not an integer, it shows #NAME? error.
  5. If Places is non-numeric, DEC2OCT returns the #VALUE! error value.
  6. If Places is negative, DEC2OCT returns the #NUM! error value.
See also  Lesson#246: AVERAGE Formula Deep Dive: Mean Calculations

Hi! I am Puspendu. I am the founder and author of Excelabcd. I am little creative person, blogger and Excel-maniac guy. I hope you enjoy my blog.

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