Lesson#34: Decimal to Hexadecimal by DEC2HEX function

DEC2HEX converts the Decimal number system to the Hexadecimal number system.
Syntax of this function is DEC2HEX( number, [places] ) where number is the number in decimal format. [places] is optional, which specifies the number of characters that you want the returned hexadecimal number to have. If omitted returns the least number of characters required to represent the number.

- If Number is less than -549,755,813,888 (-2^39) or greater than 549,755,813,887(2^39-1), DEC2HEX returns the #NUM! error value.
- If the number is non-numeric, DEC2HEX returns the #VALUE! error value.
- If the result of DEC2HEX requires more than the number of specified Places characters, it returns the #NUM! error value.
- If the place is not an integer, it shows #NAME! error.
- If Places is non-numeric, DEC2HEX returns the #VALUE! error value.
- If Places is negative, DEC2HEX returns the #NUM! error value.
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