Lesson#107: How did I add MS Project features to the Excel project schedule

Lesson#107: How did I add MS Project features to the Excel project schedule

Here I will discuss a long topic about Excel Gantt chart making. I will show how I made my excel chart work like the ms project schedule by adding some basic features.

Some basic features of the ms project which I added are.

  1. Auto updating chart month-wise.
  2. Easy calculation of working days by considering holidays, and weekends.
  3. Showing related activities. Start to Start, Finish to Start separately.

1. Auto updating chart month-wise.

For making a month-wise scheduling chart I made the date format above the Gantt chart area by “mmm-yy” from FormatCells>Custom and drag them up to the requirement.

I will add this formula to show the automatic updating Gantt chart bar


and I will drag it up to the last.

Now I will select the area of the Gantt chart and put this Formatting from ConditionalFormatting>Highlight Cells Rules>Text that Contains.

I will format the area for “>” this character and I will choose the Fill color and text color the same.

Click to read the related posts.

2. Easy calculation of working days by considering holidays, and weekends.

For making a project schedule that considers weekends, and holidays and calculates working day easily I have used

WORKDAY.INTL function.

3. Showing related activities. Start to Start, Finish to Start separately.

For showing the related activities, Start to Start and Finish to Start separately I had to make some extra columns.

I extracted the formula as text and modified it where I have put the relationship with other activities.


This formula converts the formula of relation in text and modifies it by converting  the second “+” into “.”

See also  Lesson#152: Formula to repeat serial number

Now I have to extract the row number where I related it and I will distribute it in two columns, S2S and F2S.

For this, I have put the formula in the S2S column.


And in the F2S column, I have put this formula.


Now the next steps are very easy I have to return the B column values which have the name of the activity. So for S2S column =IF(NOT(I2=””),”B”&I2,””) and for F2S column =IF(NOT(L2=””),”B”&L2,””)

This formula creates the address as text values of the related activity.

There is a very good function in Excel that takes the input of reference to a cell and returns the value of reference. And this function is INDIRECT.

So by adding these basic features I have made my program schedule in excel more like ms Project.

Download the sheet

NB:- These formulas are compatible with Excel 2013 and higher versions.

Hi! I am Puspendu. I am the founder and author of Excelabcd. I am little creative person, blogger and Excel-maniac guy. I hope you enjoy my blog.

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