Lesson#134: Excel errors and why it shows

We know about errors in excel. We face different types of errors when working in excel. Today I will discuss different types of errors and why it shows.
What is #DIV/0! in Excel?
Its meaning is division by zero. When a value is divided by 0 (zero) or a blank cell then it shows an error #DIV/0!

What is #N/A in Excel?
Its meaning is no value available. This error shows when the formula doesn’t have the required value entered in cells from where it takes a reference.

What is #NAME? in Excel?
It shows when excel doesn’t recognize a name or when you incorrectly enter a range or when you enter an incomplete formula.

See the formula is incorrectly typed VLOKUP instead of VLOOKUP so it shows a #NAME? error.
What is #NULL! in Excel?
This error occurs when you insert space instead of a comma between ranges (
which doesn’t intersect) during function operation.

What is #NUM! in Excel?
This error occurs when a formula gives a result of too big a number that is not possible to represent in the worksheet.

What is #REF! in Excel?
This error occurs when any cell reference in a formula gets deleted.

What is #VALUE! in Excel?
This error occurs when you input a wrong type argument or operator in a function.

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