Excel VARA function

Function              VARA

Description        Excel VARA function returns the sample Variance of a supplied set of values.

Syntax  VARA(number1, [number2], …)

number1  First numerical value or reference in the sample.

number2  [optional] Second numerical value or reference in the sample.



Average of these 4 numbers is 21.5


Usage Note:

The Variance is a statistical formula to measure how far a data set is spread out. The technical definition is “The average of the squared differences from the mean,”

When the data set is a sample of a large data set then instead of the Variance, Sample Variance is used. The equation for this is:


x refer to each value in the set;

x̄ is the average (statistical mean) of the set of values;

n is the number of values.


Excel VARA function is very similar to Excel VAR function. But there are some difference among them

  • Logical values within arrays are ignored by VAR function but it is counted (TRUE=1, FALSE=0) in VARA function.
  • Text within arrays and reference arguments are ignored by VAR function but it is counted 0 in VARA function.