Excel MODE.MULT function
Function MODE.MULT
Description Excel MODE.MULT function returns the most frequently occurring numbers in a numeric data set with a vertical array.
Syntax MODE.MULT(number1, [number2], …)
number1 A number or cell reference that refers to numeric values.
number2 [optional] A number or cell reference that refers to numeric values.
Excel MODE.MULT function returns result in vertically so you have to select vertically cells and then enter the formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter
So it makes the formula within curly brackets.
Usage Notes:
- If input numbers does not duplicates, MODE.MULT will return #N/A
- The MODE.MULT function ignores empty cells, and cells that contain Boolean values or text.
- Numbers can be used in function as numbers, ranges, named ranges, or cell references that contain numeric values and up to 254 numbers.