Excel ARABIC function

Function              ARABIC

Description        Excel ARABIC function returns a Roman number format in Arabic format.

Syntax  ARABIC( text )

text  is a valid Roman number format which may be a reference to cell or Roman number within “”(Double inverted comma).

Usage Note:

  • If Text is not a valid Roman value then ARABIC returns the #VALUE! error.
  • If an empty string (“”) is used as an input value then ARABIC returns 0.
  • The maximum length of the input is 255 characters. Therefore, the largest number that can be shown is 255,000.
  • There is no issue about uppercase or lowercase “xxiv” is same as “XXIV”.
  • Roman number was not written in negative value. So if you needs a negative value in the return of ARABIC Insert the negative sign before the Roman text, such as “-DXV” = -515.
  • Leading and trailing spaces are always ignored.



=ARABIC(“-DXV”) = -515