Excel INFO function

Function              INFO

Description        Excel INFO function returns a text string containing information about the current operating environment.

Syntax  INFO(type_text)

Type_text    Required. Text that specifies what type of information have to return.


type_text Information Returned
“directory” Path of the current directory
“numfile” The number of active worksheets in all currently open Excel Workbooks
“origin” Returns the top left cell reference of the current worksheet (generally A1) and the top left cell that is currently visible in the scrolled area of the current worksheet.
“osversion” Current operating system version
“recalc” Current recalculation mode (either “Automatic” or “Manual”)
“release” Current version of Microsoft Excel
“system” Current operating environment (“mac” = Macintosh or “pcdos” = Windows)



Usage Notes:

  • If the type_text argument is any other invalid value then it returns #VALUE!